About Us

Our primary purpose is to stay sober…and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety

Roundup tshirt Draft 7
Sponsored by:
The AA Groups of “District 12 on the Northshore” in Area 27
St. Tammany, Tangipahoa & Washington ParishesVisit District 12 website for general information, meeting schedules, events, announcements, and hotline numbers.

The leadership of The Spring Roundup Committee is an all volunteer group with members throughout the District 12 AA community. Our committee includes one Alanon representative.


Monthly Roundup & District 12 meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month

Southeast Louisiana Spring Roundup Committee meeting – 7:00pm
District 12 on the Northshore meeting – 8:00pm

American Legion Hall
2031 Ronald Reagan Hwy, Covington, LA 70433